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Cotton Attends Citizen's for Common Sense: Unmask Tyranny and the 4 Year Anniversary of Lockdowns



St. Joseph County, Indiana - Tim Cotton, chair of the St. Joseph Libertarian Party and candidate for Indiana Senate District 10, delivered a passionate speech at the fourth-anniversary event of Citizens for Common Sense: Unmask Tyranny. The event, held to commemorate four years since the imposition of lockdown measures in Indiana, brought together activists and community members committed to fighting against government overreach.

Addressing a diverse audience, Cotton emphasized the importance of unity in resisting tyranny and defending individual liberties. "We gather today as survivors of government overreach and as fighters of the encroaching tendrils of tyranny," Cotton declared. "Let us stand together, united in our determination to protect our liberties and safeguard our future."

Drawing on his experience as a Navy nuclear reactor operator, Cotton highlighted the concept of ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) and its misuse by government authorities during the pandemic. "The CDC, the health department, and organizations across this country use this as a cudgel to bludgeon everyone into compliance," Cotton explained. "But we refused to be cowed. We stood firm in the face of their tyranny, and we emerged victorious."

Cotton also urged attendees to support candidates who share their values and are committed to fighting against government overreach. "Those of us who are standing up, we don't have the cycle of business money and union money and large business money coming into our campaign donations," Cotton noted. "In order to be able to fight this, we rely on these five and ten and $25 donations."

The event served as a platform for Cotton to rally support for his candidacy and promote libertarian principles of individual liberty and limited government. As the November elections draw nearer, Cotton's message resonated with attendees who are eager to see change in St. Joseph County and Indiana as a whole.

Tim Cotton for Senate District 10
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